If you are a SmartRoom Manager or have been given upload rights by SmartRoom Management, you can upload folders and files to SmartRoom by:
Drag and drop the files and/or folders from you desktop directly to the location you need them to appear in the SmartRoom.
Set up SmartRoom’s SmartSync feature which will allow for bi-lateral syncing between the selected folder on your desktop and the selected folder (s) in your SmartRoom (for SmartRoom Managers only).
To set up SmartSync click the SmartSync tab on the left side User menu.
Download the SmartSync Installer.
Before syncing the SmartRoom, create a folder on your c-drive
Open the Blue SmartSync icon on your computer and select “Add New Link”.
On the dropdown select the SmartRoom you want to sync (if you are a SmartRoom Manger in more than one SmartRoom).
Select the folder and local path You’ll see a replication of the folder structure > choose the folder and local path (where you created the foler in step 3)