How to retrieve the Java Console for troubleshooting purposes

How to retrieve the Java Console for troubleshooting purposes




1)    Go to Start > Control Panel > Java.

2)    Select the “Advanced Tab”.

3)    Expand the “Java console” item.

4)    Select “Show Console”.

5)    Have the user go back to the SmartRoom and re-access it.

6)    The Java console will pop-up and display all the commands and scripts that it is trying to run.

7)    Have the user attempt the action that is causing the issue.

8)    Once the action has caused the issue to occur, have the user copy the entire Java console to Word or Notepad and then submit it, along with an issue template, to




1)    With “Finder” active, select Go > Utilities > Java Preferences.

2)    Select the “Advanced” button/tab.

3)    From underneath the Java Console heading select “Show Console”.

4)    Have the user go back to the SmartRoom using Safari and re-access it.

5)    The Java console will pop-up and display all the commands and scripts that it is trying to run.

6)    Have the user attempt the action that is causing the issue.

7)    Once the action has caused the issue to occur, have the user copy the entire Java console to a word document and then submit it, along with an issue template, to